Gadchandur Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s
Time 3 hrs. STD XII Marks 80
Section A: Reading for Communication, Grammar, Summary and Note-making
Q.1. (A) Read the following activity, read the extract and do all the activities given. [12]
A1. State whether the following statements are true or false. (2)
1. An article in a shop window set Reuben’s heart racing.
2. The price was affordable for him.
3. Five dollars would buy almost a month’s groceries.
4. Mark Earle would earn by fishing.
In 1945 in Bay Roberts, Canada, a 12-year-old boy saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing. But the price-five dollars- was far beyond Reuben Earle’s means. Five dollars would buy almost a week’s groceries for his family.
Reuben couldn’t ask his father for the money. Everything Mark Earle made fishing, Reuben’s mother, Dora, stretched like elastic to feed and clothe their five children.
Nevertheless, he opened the shop’s weathered door and went inside. Standing proud and straight in his flour-sack shirt and washed out trousers, he told the shopkeeper what he wanted, adding, “But I don’t have the money now. Can you please hold it for me?”
“I will try,” the shopkeeper smiled, “Folks around here don’t usually have that kind of money to spend on things. It should keep for a while.”
Reuben respectfully touched his worn cap and walked out into the May sunlight. The bay rippled in a freshening wind that ruffled his short hair. There was purpose in his loping stride. He would raise the five dollars and not tell anybody.
Hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Reuben had an idea.
He ran towards the sound and stopped at a construction site. People built their own homes in Bay Roberts, using nails purchased in burlap sacks from a local factory. Sometimes the sacks were discarded in the flurry of building, and Reuben knew he could sell them back to the factory for five cents apiece.
A2. Rearrange the following jumbled statements in order as they occur in the extract. (2)
1. He opened the door and went inside the shop.
2. Reuben saw an attractive item in a window shop.
3. He asked the shopkeeper to keep the article for some time.
4. He told the shopkeeper what he wanted.
ANS: 2.Reuben saw an attractive item in a window shop.
1 He opened the door and went inside the shop.
4 He told the shopkeeper what he wanted.
3 He asked the shopkeeper to keep the article for some time.
A3. Narrate the plan the boy made to complete his mission. (2)
Ans: The boy’s mission was to raise five dollars. Hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, he had an idea. He made a plan to sell discarded sacks back to the factory for five cents apiece.
A4. . Find from the passage opposite words for the following. (2)
(i.) strong colour –
washed out (ii) rudely -
respectfully (iii) global -
local (iv) sell -
A5. Suggest Reuben other ways to earn money to buy the thing he liked. (2)
A6. Do as directed. (2)
i. Reuben could not ask his father for the money. (Use ‘able to’ and rewrite.)
Ans: Reuben was not able to ask his father for the money.
ii. He opened the shop’s weathered door and went inside. (Make a Simple sentence.)
Ans. Opening the shop’s weathered door he went inside.
Q.1: (B) Do as directed. [3]
1. He was___first man to arrive on ___sea-shore. (Rewrite using articles.)
the (1)
2. Rewrite using prepositions. (1)
a). She seems to be interested ----Psychology.
b). I will come to pick you up ----2 pm tomorrow.
3. She said, "What time will you be home?" and I said, "I don't know. " (1)
(Rewrite into indirect speech.)
Ans : She asked what time I would be home and I replied that I didn’t know.
Q.2. (A) Read the following activity, read the extract and do all the activities given. [12]
A1. Complete the following statements using the expression from the extract. (2)
1. ……………… is referred to as India’s epoch maker.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
2. The state of Maharashtra will work for the betterment of the ……………. of Maharashtra.
Common people
3. The ………….. stand for India and the Sahyadri stands for …………..
Himalayas , Maharashtra
On this historic moment, I stand here to thank Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. India's present epoch maker has come over here to bless the state of Maharashtra which is definitely going to last forever. On behalf of thousands of common people, I express my deep sense of gratitude to him for blessing us. We Maharashtrians love him, worship him. And once again, I wish to declare that this state of Maharashtra, recently formed, will work for the betterment of the common people of Maharashtra, but if it comes to sacrifice whatever best and grand we have, it will be done primarily for India. This is so, because, we believe from the beginning, that Maharashtra depends on India; its greatness depends on the greatness of India. All Maharashtrians believe that both India and Maharashtra can progress only when there is oneness of interest. And, therefore, I have made this clear by bringing to your notice the significance of certain symbols, for example, the Himalayas stand for India and, the Sahyadri, for Maharashtra. The snowy Himalayas with the highest mountain ranges symbolise India and the Sahyadri with the blackest rock structure and with 200-300 inches rainfall symbolise Maharashtra. I promise you that if the Himalayas are in jeopardy, the Sahyadri of Maharashtra will use its black rock structure like a shield to protect the Himalayas.
‘Hard labour’ is the watchword of our times. And, Panditji, you have given us the message of building Maharashtra and our nation by hard labour. We are going to inscribe this valuable message on our minds and try our best to look at your blessings and your guidance, as the blessings and guidance of an epoch maker.
A2 State the features of the Himalayas and the Sahyadri. (2)
Ans : The Himalayas ranges are the highest and snowy. The Sahyadri is known for its blackest rock structure with 200-300 inches rainfall.
A3. ‘On this historic moment, I stand here to thank Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.’ Here the historic moment implies………. (2)
The historic moments implies the declaration of recent formation of Maharashtra i.e. inaugural function of State of Maharashtra in Presence of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru .
A4 Find out from the extract the one word for the expression given here. (2)
1. Giving honour or glory by doing something –
2. Give up something valued for the sake of others –
3. The arrangement of parts or elements of something complex –
4. A person or a thing providing protection -
A5. Differentiate the having dreams and the realising dreams. (2)
A6. Do as directed (2)
1. India’s epoch maker has come over here
to bless the State of Maharashtra.
( Rewrite it using gerund form of the underlined word.) (1)
Ans: India’s epoch maker has come over here for blessing the State of Maharashtra.
2. We Maharashtrians love him, worship him. (Rewrite using ‘not only … but also’) (1)
Ans: We Maharashtrians not only love him but also worship him.
Q.2 (B) Note- Making 3
Read the following passage carefully and complete the following table.
Air, Water and Noise are the three prominent pollutions that are causing a great threat to mankind in one sense or the other. Air pollution is a major cause of concern for all the earthlings who need fresh and pristine air to live hale and hearty. The air pollution is caused due to dust, obnoxious gases, wind, cyclone, volcanic eruption, forest fire, gases like carbon mono-oxide emanated by vehicles, smoke spread by industries and factories etc. The water pollution has brought the human life under jeopardy. It is caused by waste of industries and factories thrown in rivers and lakes, water of ponds or rivers used for drinking is made dirty by cattle and people, drinking water is not protected and covered properly, the drinking water is not properly boiled or filtered, garbage is thrown to pollute the water, no proper storage etc. The noise pollution is a kind of slow poison that takes a little bit of time to understand its hazards. It is caused due to horns of vehicles, machines in the factories, high volume loud speakers during festivals like Ganesh Pooja, Durga Pooja etc, crackers in Diwali, overuse of DJs, Headphones and Music system etc. All these pollutions are indeed a great threat to all us and it is high time for all of us to take necessary steps to overcome this problem as early as possible.

Ans :
Q.3. (A) Read the following activity, read the extract and do all the activities given. [12]
A1 Complete the web chart. (2)
Ans : water, oxygen and sunlight ( diagram necessary)
The very first living organisms that breathed for the first time billions of years ago needed food. Food is something without which growth, development and evolution would have been impossible. Every living thing on this planet needs nutrition to survive, grow and reproduce. For plants, the source of nutrition is water, oxygen and sunlight. Plants get food through a process which is called photosynthesis. The right nutrients make plants look healthy. Similarly, when animals are fed the right food, they grow up as healthy animals and as a result their productivity is also more. So we need food for our survival and food acts as a catalyst for us to achieve we want. There is difference between well-nourished children and malnourished children. There is a difference between a person who eats a variety of foods and someone who eats the same kind of food every day. There is a difference between a person who sees food as ‘one of the to-do activity’ and someone who sees food as God’s gift.
A2. Rewrite the statements by choosing appropriate words/ expressions. (2)
A. Every living organism needed wood/
B. Food is essential for growth ,
development/reproduction and malnutrition /
C. Food process of plant is called nourishment /
A3. State the relation of food, nutrition and plant. (2)
Ans: Food nutrition and plants have a close relation. Plants need food and nutrition. Food provides nutrition. Plants get food through photosynthesis. The right nutrients make plants look healthy.
A4. Give homophones of the following words. (2)
a) Living –
leaving b) for -
far c) years –
ears d) right –
A5. Write your views on importance of food. (2)
A6. Do as directed.
i. There is difference between well-nourished children and malnourished children. (Make it Negative without changing the meaning) (1)
Ans: There is no similarity between well-nourished children and malnourished children.
ii. When animals are fed the right food, they grow up as healthy animals.
( Rewrite the sentence using ‘No sooner…. than’) (1)
Ans :
No sooner are animals fed the right food than they grow up as healthy animals.
Q.3 (B): Write a short summary of the above passage with the help of the main points given below. Give a suitable title. (3)
What is food?
Need of food.
Q. 4 Read the extract and do the activities. [8]
How do you know
Peace is a woman?
I know, for
I met her yesterday
on my winding way
to the world’s fare,
She had such a wonderful face
just like a golden flower faded
before her prime.
I asked her why
She was so sad?
She told me her baby
was killed in Auschwitz,
her daughter in Hiroshima
and her sons in Vietnam,
Ireland, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon,
Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo and Chechnya….
A1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements. (2)
1.According to the poet peace is a woman.
2. The poet met the peace on his way to home.
False The poet met the peace on his way to the world’s fare.
3. Peace is a woman because she was sad.
False :
Peace is a woman because she had a wonderful face.
4. Peace had a wonderful face.
A2. “On my winding way”. Name and explain the figures of speech. Give other example.(2)
Alliteration : Consonantal sound ‘w’ is repeated pleasingly.
Another Example : a golden flower faded
A3. “Peace is a woman and a mother.” Explain. (2)
A4. Compose two different lines succeeding the following line. (2)
I met her yesterday
I met her yesterday
sitting in a garden by my way
Moved by a song she does play
Q. 5 Read the extract and do the activities. [4]
It was the last I ever saw of her.
My brothers and I were transported in a cattle car to Germany.
We arrived at the Buchenwald concentration camp one night weeks later and were led into a crowded barrack. The next day, we were issued uniforms and identification numbers.
“Don't call me Herman anymore.” I said to my brother. “Call me 94983.”
I was put to work in the camp’s crematorium, loading the dead into a hand-cranked elevator.
I, too, felt dead. Hardened, I had become a number.
Soon my brothers and I were sent to Schlieben, one of Buchenwald's sub-camps near Berlin.
One morning I thought I heard my mother’s voice.
“Son,” she said softly but clearly, “I am going to send you an angel.”
Then I woke up. Just a dream. A beautiful dream.
But in this place there could be no angels. There was only work. And hunger. And fear.
A couple of days later, I was walking around the camp, around the barracks, near the barbed-wire fence where the guards could not easily see. I was alone.
On the other side of the fence, I spotted someone: a little girl with light, almost luminous curls. She was half hidden behind a birch tree.
I glanced around to make sure no one saw me. I called to her softly in German. “Do you have something to eat?”
She didn’t understand.
A1.Choose the statements in order to get the central idea of the extract. (2)
1. The narrator went to the concentration camp to meet the girl.
2. The writer and his brother were taken to the concentration camp.
3. They were issued uniforms and identification numbers.
4.The narrator spotted a girl whom he asked for eatables.
A2. Add an imaginary paragraph before the extract. (2)
(B) Read the extract and do the activities. [4]
The two girls made their plans. There were many thieves on the roads in those days, and it was dangerous for rich and beautiful young women to travel alone. So they stained their faces with a brown juice to make them look sunburned, and wore simple country clothes. Rosalind, who was much taller than Celia, dressed herself as a young man, and took the name of Ganymede. Celia decided to call herself Aliena. They took with them a kind old servant called Touchstone, who served as Court Jester, or “ Fool”, to Duke Fredrick. (S Jester’s duty was to keep the court amused with merry jokes and songs, and to make his master laugh when he felt sad or dull.)
Touchstone had always been very fond of Celia, and he gladly agreed to accompany her and Rosalind into the Forest of Arden. He still wore his Jester’s clothes of red and black, with little bells hanging from his cap; and he was a great comfort to the lonely girls, making them laugh with his merry jokes, and cheering them when they were tired and frightened.
A1. Point out the dramatic effect used in the extract. (2)
The characters are disguised. The two girls stained their faces with a brown juice to make them look sunburned, and wore simple country clothes. Rosalind, who was much taller than Celia, dressed herself as a young man, and took the name of Ganymede. Celia decided to call herself Aliena.
A2. Read the extract and convert it into a conversation between Rosalind, Celia and Touchstone. You may begin; (2)
Rosalind: Oh my dear sister, now we can not walk on the roads as we are.
Celia: Are you afraid of thieves? What should we do now?
Section D: Writing Skills
Q. VI (A): Write a letter to your Principal requesting him to issue a leaving certificate. 4
A tree-plantation programme has been arranged in your school/college. Write a letter to District Forest Office inviting him to grace the programme as a chief guest. 4
(B): Imagine you opened a computer classes for the students and you want to advertise it. Prepare a leaflet for a computer class with the help of the following format. 4
1. Title
2. Slogan
3. Names of courses.
4. Offer
5. Add your own point
Your college recently organised ‘Teacher-Parent Meet’. Prepare a news report of the event.
(C): Here is a graphical presentation of gold imports. Write a paragraph showing decline in gold imports. 4
Write a note on ‘Why should we save birds?’ in 80 words with the help of following points.
A. Birds are the greatest indicators of climate change.
B. Insect outbreaks are reduced with the existence of birds.
C. Some birds are important pollinators.
D. Birds are predictors of natural disasters.
Q. VII (A): Imagine that you want to interview a sport person on achieving a life time achievement award. Prepare a list of 8 to 10 questions. 4
(B) Imagine your college has organised an elocution competition on ‘Higher Education in Maharashtra.’ Prepare your speech with the help of following points. 3
1. Education for the ‘classes’ and for the’ masses’.
2. Education for girls.
3. The work of social reformers.
4. The present scenario
The End