Thursday 31 August 2017

Practice Time : Work

 Read the following extract and answer the questions given below it.                              

When you are at home I have no peace-

I can’t find a quiet nook;

And time and again you come to me :

“Daddy, read me a book!”

A timid question, a hesitant step,

For often you’ve heard my quirk;

“Another time, then, my little chap.

You see I’m trying to work!"


  1)  Complete the statements :
a. The child asks his father to ___________________

b. Father replies that ____________

2)     “Another time, then, my little chap.

You see I’m trying to work!”

Read the lines and answers . What do ‘You’ and ‘I’ stand for?  

3) ‘A timid question, a hesitant step’. Name and explain the figure of speech in the line.

4)“Daddy, read me a book!” Name and explain the figure of speech in the line.

5) Write your feelings about when your father doesn't listen to you.

6) Do you think father should spare time for children? Explain.

7) Rearrange the words in the first three lines of the extract without changing the meaning .  The first one is done for you.
  _I have no peace when you are at home_

8) Compose a couplet (two lines)about father    .    

Wednesday 30 August 2017

English Activities of STD 11

The following activities are given in course book of STD 11 . Number against the each activity indicates the page number of the course book.

1 Complete the following sentences
Page no. 37 Text book
2. Here the events in the story are  arranged in a jumbled way. Rearrange them in a proper sequence 68

3 Glance through text and find out the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements 75
4. Read the text silently and choosethe correct alternative 89
4. Arrange the following jumbled sentences in the proper order of events 97
5. There are certain do's and don'ts that the father has advised his son to follow. Complete the list. 103
6. Complete the following statements choosing the correct  alternative from those given below. 117
7. Complete the following sentences choosing the facts from the text 12
8. Complete the sentences in column a By matching them with the points in column b 137

9. Match the following places in column a with their attractions in column b 143
10. Complete the following sentences.: 149
11. Read carefully the words /groups of words in the box given in jumbled order. Selecting the correct word from the box complete a short note on  162

12. Complete the following notes by using information given in extract 163

13. Choose the correct alternative from those given below 169

14. Read the following sentences and try to guess what who referred to by the underlined words in the context

15 Complete the following table 188

16 Choose the correct alternative and fill in the blanks in the following sentences 193

17 Complete the following pie chart

18 Complete the following tree diagram

Compiled by Prafulla Mahure

Monday 7 August 2017

Poetic Creation Type Questions

Poetic Creation type question aims at the hidden quality of the students. Students are expected to bring out his poetic ability which everyone has hidden in him. Questions framed under this would be of creative type. For example, questions may be like :
1. Add suitable poetic lines of your own to rhyme with the last two lines of the extract.
"Be it the victory of war or the mourning of defeat
Life sheds tears on death after all "
Answer :
Be it the victory of war or the mourning of defeat
Life sheds tears on death after all
Should we repeat
And make suffer this earth ball?
2. Arrange the following lines to suit the aabb rhyme scheme.
People slowly learn about life, my son,
Through the years, as suns rise and sink
But I beg you that now, and later on.
You won't be ashamed   -  to think!
People slowly learn about life, my son,
But I beg you that now, and later on.
You won't be ashamed   -  to think!
Through the years, as suns rise and sink

3. Write few poetic lines by using words (choose words from the extract)
4. Rearrange the following lines without changing the meaning.
When you are at home I have no peace -
I can't find a quiet nook
And time and again you come to me :
" Daddy, read me a book! "
I have no peace when you are at home
A quiet nook I can't find
You come to me time and again
" Read me a book, Daddy"
5.Rewrite the following lines by changing background of farm instead of mill.
When the stars go off
Tall chimney sirens sound
Daily with fast steps
Marching to the mill

Answer :
When the stars go off
Cocks sounds cock a doodle do
Daily with fast steps
Marching to the farm

Students are expected to write their emotions. No doubt it is rather difficult. We should enable them write their own English. We have to focus on skill development. As an examiner we should test not the quality of the creation but the ability to create something poetic. As a teacher we need to arrange activities in the classroom so that students can try to create few poetic lines.
                                                Prafulla Mahure
  Mahatma Gandhi Jr College Gadchandur   

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