Do as directed : Std 10 First Language

 1. A1. Do as directed (Any 4): [04 Marks] 

Set 1

i. Spot the error in the following sentence and rewrite it:

 When I took the note, I saw it were still wet from the nights rain.

When I took the note, I saw it was still wet from the night's rain.

ii. Form two present participle in which the last letter is doubled.

Dig - Digging ; Sit - Sitting 

iii. Write any 2 compound words of your own.

Water bottle, Post-mortem, 

iv. Identify the type of sentence:

 How utterly we have failed our children!


v. Pick out the gerund from the following sentence :

 The attitude of taking destroys families.

Gerund - taking

A2. Do as directed (any 2): [04 Marks]

i. Write a word register of 8 words related to:


Music - lyric, drum, sound, rhythm, notes, strings, singing, dancing, blowing, beating, melody

ii. Change the voice:

 Anil had already made the tea.

The tea had already been made by Anil. 

iii. Change the following sentences into indirect speech :

Robert asked, “ old are you ?” “I am 13 years old,” she replied.

Robert asked Joan how old she was. She replied that she was 13 years old. 

B. Do as directed (Any 1): [02 Marks]

i. Make two sentences by using the given word as a noun and as verb: 


It's  my dream to crack IIT. As a noun

I dream to get success in NEET. As a verb 

ii. Begin the sentence with ‘No sooner ……

 As soon as the thief escaped the family informed the police……………

No sooner did the thief escape than the family informed the police. 

Set 2 

i. Identify the type of sentence:

Don’t lose faith.

Imperative Sentence

ii. Punctuate the given sentence￾

are you still hungry I asked faintly

"Are you still hungry ?" I asked faintly.

iii. Find out minimum four letter words from the given word:

Conversation-……………., ………….., ……………, …………………

Cover, over, novice, action, nation, rain, saint, sane, tone

iv. Complete the following word chain for verbs :

Change-………………, ………………, …………………., …………………

Change - enact - tear - return - name

v. Arrange the given words in the proper alphabetical order.

solution, security, sleep, suddenly

Security, Sleep, Solution, Suddenly

A2. Do as directed (Any 2): [04 Marks]

i. Rewrite in Indirect narration:

“Now young man” he said, “We’re ready to listen to Bach.”

He addressed young man and said that then they were ready to listen to Bach.

ii. Make meaningful sentences of your own to show the difference in homophones:



Blue : I saw a blue umbrella.

blew : I blew a balloon. 

iii. Rewrite in the past perfect continuous tense:

The marlin fights for its life desperately.

The marlin had been fighting for its life desperately.

B. Do as directed (any one): [02 Marks]

i. Change the following sentence into positive and comparative degree:

 The biggest challenge knocking at the doors of humankind is fear and intolerance.

Positive Degree : No other challenge knocking at the doors of humankind is as big as fear and intolerance. 

Comparative : Fear and intolerance are bigger than any other challenge knocking at the doors of humankind.

ii. Pick out the Modal Auxiliary and state its function:

a. He would borrow one week, lend the next.

b. I knew, I could not afford caviar.

a. would - habitual past 

b. could - capabilities


  1. No sooner did the thief escaped than the family informed the police.
    In this sentence there must be #escape#


Thank you.

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