Showing posts with label Dialogue Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dialogue Writing. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Dialogue Writing Std 10

Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences : (1)

: Could you finish all the questions in time?

: Question number 5 and 6 were difficult for me.

: Which questions were difficult for you?

: Yes, I could.

Ans:A: Which questions were difficult for you?
B: Question number 5 and 6 were difficult for me.
A:Could you finish all the questions in time?
B:Yes, I could.

Complete the dialogue : 01)

: Do you like to hear bedtime stories?


: Which stories do you like to hear the most?


: Do you like to hear bedtime stories?

:Yes, I do.

: Which stories do you like to hear the most?

:I like stories of Panchtatra and ghost. .

Write a dialogue on 'Preparation for the exam' between you and your friend (Minimum 3 meaningful exchanges).

I : Hey, how is your study?
My friend : Going on smoothly.
I : How do you prepare for the upcoming exam?
My friend : I spend 5 hours a day reading and writing.
I: What is your strategy for maths?
My friend : I revise all the formulas and I focus on practice. .

Set 2

(1) Arrange the following sentences in proper order to form a meaningful dialogue. 1 Mark

1. No, I don't like such stories.

2. Any reason ?

3. I am not a child to listen to such stories.
4. Do you like bedtime stories ?
Ans: Do you like bedtime stories ?
No, I don't like such stories.
Any reason ?
I am not a child to listen to such

Complete the following dialogue. 1 Mark

Ajit - Did you like to hear bedtime stories when you were a child ?

Sujit -...

Ajit - Who usually told you bedtime stories ?


Ajit - Did you like to hear bedtime stories when you were a child ?

Sujit -Yes, I did.

Ajit - Who usually told you bedtime stories ?

Sujit- My grandmother.

Develop a dialogue of minimum three meaningful exchanges between Ajit and Sujit on 'The Importance of Reading Stories'. 3 Marks

Ajit : Hey Sujit, why do you read stories?
Sujit : It teaches me a lot.
Ajit : What?
Sujit : It broadens my imagination. It enhance my reading speed.
Ajit : Does it help in your study?
Sujit: Yes, now I can read school books rapidly and understand. It improved my writing skills also.

Prepare a short dialogue by arranging the following jumbled sentences :

The dialogue is between Tanvi and Tanmay

I am going to Satara,

Hi, good morning. Where are you going? Good Morning.

Ans :
Tanvi : Good morning.
Tanmay : Hi, good morning.
Tanvi : Where are you going?
Tanmay :I am going to Satara,

Complete the following dialogue :

Reena : Hello, ..........  ?

Neesha : I want to buy a new dress.

Reena: Do you like...... ......... ?

Neesha : Yes, I like new dresses.


Reena : Hello, what do you like ?

Neesha : I want to buy a new dress.

Reena: Do you like new dresses?

Neesha : Yes, I like new dresses.

Prepare a dialogue between Sahil and Nikhil from jumbled sentences :

Come tomorrow I will give you.

Hi, good afternoon.

I want a book of stories from you.

Good afternoon, what do you want?

Sahil : Hi, good afternoon.
Nikhil : Good afternoon, what do you want?
SahilS : I want a book of stories from you.
Nikhil : Come tomorrow I will give you.

B. Complete the following dialogue :

A : Hello

B : My name is Rekha.

A : Do you like

B : Yes, I like to study Maths.

Ans :
A : Hello, what is your name?

B : My name is Rekha.

A : Do you like to study maths?

B : Yes, I like to study Maths. .

C: Write an imaginary dialogue of minimum 3 meaningful exchange between your friend and you about the advantages of using technology. 

I : Hello, Good evening.
My friend : Good evening , tell me about the use of technology.
I : It is used for the good of us.
My friend : Ya, learning through internet is very good.
I : Sending emails , traveling through sky, water and land are the boons of technology.
My friend : T. V.,mobile phone, radio also are the gift of technology.

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