Monday 28 May 2018

Activities on A Boy With A Mission

A1. Fill in the blanks and complete the following sentences.
1. The price of the thing that set Reuben's heart racing was....... .
2. Reuben's father ....... made fishing.
3. Reuben requested the shopkeeper to .......
4. He got an idea ....... to raise the money.
5. People in bay Roberts made use of ....... to build their homes.
6. An empty sack could be resold for.......
A2. Choose the correct alternative .
1. On day one Reuben found three / two empty sacks.
2. He told them for ten cent / five cent a piece.
3. He reached home at supper time / breakfast time.
4. His father / mother was the centre of the house.
5. Every day he wandered the town to collect / sell nails empty bags.
6. Reuben was more delighted when the school was closed for the winter / summer.
A3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1.Reuben never felt cold, tired and hungry.
2. The thought of the object in the store made him forget hunger.
3. He needed more than 20 cents.
4. He arrived at the factory in the evening.
5. The sack buyer took the sacks and gave 20 cent to Reuben.
6. Reuben rushed to the store from the factory.
7.He told the store owner that he had no money.
8. He bought the brooch from the store on the father's day.


Thank you.

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