Saturday 15 February 2020

Interview Questions : Bravery Award Winner

Imagine you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished person who won a national award.

Name of the interviewee -  Machindra Khillare
Area of Success/ Reputation : National Award
Date / Venue/ Time :  4 March 9 A.M. Times Studio 
Duration of Interview : 30 Minutes


1. You got prestigious bravery award for saving a mother and son from drowning. How did this happen?
2. What feelings made you to dive into the water?
3. When did you learn swimming? Did your parents support to learn swimming?
4. Weren't you afraid of risking your life?
5. How did you feel when you saved two lives? 6. How did your family react when they first knew what you did?
7. How do you feel now after receiving the award? 
8. What will you do with the amount you received as  prize? 
9. What do you want to become in future?
10. What message would you like to give the children of your age?

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