Phrases/expressions | One Word Substitution |
1. One who knows many languages. | Linguist. |
2. Being unable to pay one's debts. | Insolvant. |
3. Having an evil reputation. | Notorious |
4. One who leaves his country to settle elsewhere, | Emigrant . |
person who lives at the same time as another | Contemporary |
A person whocan neither read nor write | Illiterate. |
A person who spends his moneyrecklessly | Spendthrift. |
8. A person who lives by himself. | Recluse. |
9. A woman whose husband is dead. | Widow. |
10. A man whose wife is dead. | Widower . |
11. A child whose parents are dead. | Orphan. |
12. A minister representing a sovereign or state in a foreign country. | Ambassador. |
13. A person sent on a mission (usually official).' | Emissary. |
14. A person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain. | Stoic. |
I5.One who defends or is zealous for his country's freedom or rights. | Patriot. |
16. One who makes an eloquent public speech, | Orator. |
17. One who undergoes penalty of death for sticking to his faith | Martyr. |
18. One who abandons his religious faith. | Apostate. |
19.One who is given to questioning the truth of facts and the soundness of inferences. | Sceptic. |
20.Belonging to all parts of the world; a person familiar with many different countries. | Cosmopolitan |
21.One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen | Alien |
22. One who comes as a settler into a foreign country. | Immigrant |
23. Being present everywhere. | Omnipresent |
24.Being ail-powaful. | Omnipotent |
25 .One who knows everything. | Omniscient |
26. Beyond making a mistake. | Infallible |
27. One who eats human flesh. | Cannibal |
28. One who looks at the dark side of things. | Pessimist |
29. One who looks at the bright side of things | Optimisit |
30. Not being able to be elected or selected under the rules. | Ineligible |
31. One who loves and Works for bis fellow men. | Philanthropist |
32. One who hates mankind. | Misanthropist |
33.One who lives on vegetables. | Vegetarian |
34. One who has belief in the existence of God. | Theist |
35.One who has no belief in the existance of God | Atheist |
36. One who believes in fate | Fatalist. |
37.One who plays a game for pleasure and not professionally. | Amateur |
38.One who has grown old in orhas long experience of (specially military) service or occupation | Veteran |
39.One who lends money atvexhorbitant rates of interest. | Usurer |
40. A person who collects fares on a public Vehicle. | Conductor |
41.The practice of having more than One wife at the same time. | Polygamy |
42.A general pardon ofpolitical offenders. | Amnesty |
43.Fond of entertaining guests. | Hospitable |
44. One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks. | Teetotalier |
45.One who walks on foot. | Pedestrian |
46.Taking ofone's own life, | Suicide |
47. Murder of a king. | Regicide |
48.Murder of a new-born infant. | Infanticide |
49.Murder of one's own father /mother/brother. | Patricide/Matricide/Fratricide |
50. The killing of human beings. | Homicide |
51. A child born after the death of his father or a book published after the death of its author. | Posthgmous |
52 Forbidden, prohibited by law. | Illicit |
53. A man whose manners are more like those of a woman. | Effiminate |
54. A midicine to counteract the effect of poison. | Antidote |
55. A speech made without preparation. | Extempore |
56. A language that is no longer spoken. | Dead |
57.The word which is no longer in use. | Obsolete |
58.The motive merely to get money. | Mercenary |
59. Existing for ever — without any beginning or end. | Eternal |
60. Subject to death. | Mortal |
61. Resulting in death. | Fatal or mortal |
62. Property inherited from one's father or ancestors. | Patrimony |
63.A paper written by hand. | Manuscript |
64. The result of the match where neither party wins. |
Draw |
65. Animals which give suck to their young |
Mammals |
66. Method of sending messages without the help of wires. |
Wireless or radio |
67. A place for burial of dead bodies. | Cemetery |
68. Counterfeiting of document.
| Forgery |
69. Of one's own free will.
| Voluntary |
70. Give tit for tat. | Retaliate |
71. The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed.
| Armistice |
72. The science of reasoning. | Logic |
73. Belonging to all parts of the world.
| Universal |
74. A figure with many angles or sides.
| Polygon |
75. An instrument for measuring temperature.
| Thermometer |
76. Compulsory enlistment for military or other service. | Conscription |
77. A place where young plants are reared.
| Nursery |
78. ne absence of government in a country.
| Anarchy |
79. A state in which the Government is carried on nominally. and usually in fact also, by the people or their elected representatives without a monarch.
| Republic |
80. Government carried on by an absolute ruler. |
Dictatorship |
81. Government by the representatives of the people.
| Democracy |
82. Government by officials. | |
83. An absolute government. | Autocracy |
84. ne life history of a person written by another.
| Biography |
85. The life history of a person written by himself.
| Autobiography |
86. Conferred as an honour. or performed without pay.
| Honorary |
87. The yearly return of a date.
| Anniversary |
88. Of unknown or unadmitted authorship.
| Anonymous |
89. Allowing the passage of light. | Transparent |
90. Not allowing the passage of light. | Opaque |
91. A substance that kills insects. | Insecticide |
92. Occurring at the same time. | Simultaneous |
93. An assembly of worshippers. | Congregation |
94. An assembly of listeners. | Audience |
95. A substance that kills germs. | Germicide |
96. A cure for all diseases.
| Panacea |
97. All of one mind. | Unanimous |
98. Contrary to law.
| Illegal |
99. Not definitely or clearly expressed.
| Inexplicit |
100. That which cannot be excused. | Inexcusable |
101.That which cannot be taken by force of arms.
| Impregnable |
102. That which cannot be admitted or allowed.
| Inadmissible |
103.That which cannot be reached. | Inaccessible |
104. That which cannot be perceived by sense.
| Imperceptible |
105. That which cannot be destroyed.
| Indestructible |
106. That which cannot be altered or recalled.
| Irrevocable |
107. That which cannot be dispensed with.
| Indispensable |
108. That which cannot be burnt.
| Incombustible |
109. That which cannot be divided.
| Indivisible |
110. That which cannot be reconciled. | Irreconcilable |
111. That which cannot be recovered. | Irrevocable |
112. That which cannot be seen.
| Invisible |
113. That which cannot be read
| Illegible |
114. That which cannot be heard. | Inaudible |
115. That which cannot be conquered. | Invincible |
116. That which cannot be w
| Invulnerable |
117. That which cannot be believed. | Incredible |
118. That which can be easily set on fire. | Inflammable |
119. That which cannot be avoided.
| Unavoidable |
120. That which cannot be expressed in words
| Inexpressible |