A blog about activity based learning ,evaluation of std 11 and 12 English.
Friday, 29 May 2020
Saturday, 16 May 2020
Presentation On An Astrologer's Day
Test - Activity Sheet 1
Read the extract from 'An Astrologer's Day' beginning with -
" Punctually at Midday.........the end of day'
A1. Complete the web chart.
A1. Complete the web chart.
A2. People were attracted to the astrologer as bees are attracted to cosmos or dahila stalks. Give reasons.
A2. People flocked to fried groundnut vendor. Give reasons .
A3 Insufficient light suited the astrologer's business. Explain.
A3. Half the enchantment of the place was due to the fact that it did not have the benefit of municipal lightening. Explain
A4. Astrologer's by the roadside deserves no wages. Give your opinion.
A4. Describe your plan about earning while learning.
A5 Rewrite as instructed.
1. The colour scheme never failed. (Make it affirmative.)
2. The place was lit up by the shop lights. (Identify the voice.)
1. Sacred. A. red pigment
2. Vermillion B. surprised
3. Flanked. C. holy
4. Astonished. D. divided
Activity Sheet No. 2
A1. Put the statements in order as the events occur.
1. A client showed his palm to astrologer with challenge.
2. The astrologer began to bundle up his paraphernalia.
3. The astrologer sensed a man as his client and pressed invitation.
4. The nuts vendor rose to go home.
A2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. A client looked careworn.
2. The astrologer was challenged.
3. He charged four pies for a question.
4. A client did not agree to pay the fees.
A3. Guess
The astrologer recognised the client but didn't show. Support the statements with proof from the extract.
A4. Opinion
Astrology is a truthful occupation. Give your opinion.
A5. Language Study.
1.) Choose the sentences of passive voice.
1. The nuts vendor blew out his flare.
2. The green shaft of light was blotted out.
3. This pact was accepted after a little further argument.
4. The astrologer caught a glimpse of his face by the matchlight.
2.) The astrologer felt very uncomfortable. ( Rewrite as exclamatory.)
6. Find the words from the extract which mean . a) seller b) hidden c) complained d) threw forcefully
Activity Sheet No. 3
A1. Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option.
- A client was surprised when....
- the astrologer advised him to go home
- the astrologer told him that the person he was looking for is dead.
- the astrologer uttered his name ' Guru Nayak'.
- he gazed at the astrologer.
A3. ' A great load is gone from me today.' Explain it with providing reasons.
A4. Express the feelings when you come to know that you were not wrong.
A5. Language Study.
1. Never travel southward again, and you will live to be a hundred. ( Rewrite the statement as condition. Or Rewrite the statement using ' If ..not')
2. It was nearly midnight when the astrologer reached home. ( Rewrite the statement without conjunction or Rewrite it as simple sentence.)
A6. Use the following words to complete the sentences meaningfully.
(deserted, escaped, astrologer, stranger)
- When I opened the door, I saw a ........ .
- The stadium was ....... when the match came to an end.
- A man stretched his palm to an .......... to know what is wrong with him.
- A theif has ...... from the jail.
Activity Sheet No. 4
1. Read the extract and complete the activities given below: (12)
Punctually at midday he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment,
which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic
charts on it, a notebook, and a bundle of Palmyra writing. His forehead was
resplendent (glorious) with sacred ash and vermilion, and his eyes sparkled with a
sharp abnormal gleam (shine) which was really an outcome of a continual searching
look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt
comforted. The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position placed
as they were between the painted forehead and the dark whiskers (mustaches) which
streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To
crown the effect he wound a saffron-coloured turban around his head. This colour
scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or
dahlia stalks. He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a
path running through the Town Hall Park. It was a remarkable place in many ways. A
surging crowd was always moving up and down this narrow road from morning till
night. A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way :
medicine sellers, sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians, and above all, an
auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town.
Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnut, who gave his ware a
fancy name each day, calling it “Bombay Ice Cream” one day and on the next “Delhi
Almond,” and on the third “Raja’s Delicacy,” and so on and so forth, and people
flocked to him. A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too.
The astrologer transacted his business by the light of a flare which crackled and
smoked up above the groundnut heap nearby. Half the enchantment of the place was
due to the fact that it did not have the benefit of municipal lighting. The place was lit
up by shop lights. One or two had hissing gaslights, some had naked flares stuck on
poles, some were lit up by old cycle lamps, and one or two, like the astrologer,
managed without lights of their own. It was a bewildering crisscross of light rays and
moving shadows. This suited the astrologer very well, for the simple reason that he
had not in the least intended to be an astrologer when he began life; and he knew no
more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen
to himself next minute. He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent
customers. Yet he said things which pleased and astonished everyone: that was more a
matter of study, practice, and shrewd guesswork. All the same, it was as much an
honest man’s labour as any other, and he deserved the wages he carried home at the
end of a day.
A1. State if the given statements are True or False. (2)
i. The astrologer used to have the preparation of his business in quite professional way.
ii. The physical appearance of the astrologer hardly created an impact on the customers.
iii. The place was busy with a variety of occupations.
iv. The astrologer’s style of handling the business lies in his skills.
Ans : i. The astrologer used to have the preparation of his business in quite professional way. True
ii. The physical appearance of the astrologer hardly created an impact on the customers. False
iii. The place was busy with a variety of occupations. True
iv. The astrologer’s style of handling the business lies in his skills. True
A2. Complete the given web. (2)
1. Opened his bag and spread out professional equipment
2. Wound a saffron coloured turban around his head
3. Sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree
4. Transacted his business of astrology
(Note : Draw a web chart and write these points in it.)
A3. The astrologer was a shrewd judge of a character. Explain with some details from the
extract. (2)
Ans : He was punctual in his work. Though he did not intend to be an astrologer, he used professional equipment for astrology. He dressed as an astrologer and chose appropriate place for the transaction . He accepted that study, practice and shrewd guesswork helped him to please and astonish his customers.
A4. We need to understand even the smallest details of the business in order to succeed.
Write your views. (2)
Ans :
A5. Do as directed. (2)
1) It was a remarkable place in many ways.
(Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as an exclamatory
i. It was a remarkable place in many ways!
ii. How a remarkable place in many ways it was!
iii. What a remarkable place in many ways it was!
iv. What remarkable in many ways the place it was!
2) He spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie
(Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as a compound
i. He spread out his professional equipment but it consisted of a dozen cowrie
ii. He spread out his professional equipment and it consisted of a dozen cowrie shells.
iii. He spread out his professional equipment that it consisted of a dozen cowrie
iv. He spread out his professional equipment and it had consisted of a dozen cowrie shells.
A6. Find the synonyms for the following words from the passage. (2)
a. Confusing b. hanging around c. difficult to understand d. magical effect 2
a. Confusing - bewildering
b. hanging around - dallied
c. difficult to understand - obscure
d. magical effect - enchantment
Reading Competency Webinar Report
When the whole world is locked down and are under the grip of pandemic of Covid-19, work from home has become the routine of everyone. Schools and colleges also are closed so teachers’ known work of teaching is stopped. The most vigorous task of studying, updating and preparing for the next session (which is not considered as work by society) can never stop. ELLE Mumbai has taken initiative to organize a webinar for updating teacher fraternity of entire Maharashtra to meet the challenges of newly introduced course book of Std XII.
ELLE (English Language & Literature Explorers) Mumbai organised a webinar.
![]() |
Dr.Deepak Damodare |
Dr Deepak Damodare began his session stating about the necessity and scope of reading competencies.
What is reading?
Reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background of knowledge to build reading and the goal of reading is comprehension. – Nunan
Reading is built from two components word recognition and comprehension. – Anderson J.C.
He explained the purpose of reading. We read for pleasure, knowledge, information and motivation.
How to read (-----------------------------------------------)
He categorised ways of reading into general and specific. Silent reading is for self to understand the meaning, message, thoughts and ideas connected. Loud reading is for self and others for understanding and conveying information message etc. Skimming (running through lines) scanning (reading for specific information), intensive (very carefully, extensive. Classroom reading: model reading by teacher loud by teacher and silent and loud by students. Dr. Deepak Damodare shared tips for developing reading competency. Students should read in chunks, read the entire phrase, or a group of words. They should try to increase eye span. The teachers should facilitate it. While reading we need to flick backwards and forwards over the text.
In developing the reading competency reading plays a great role. Teachers should read variety of books related to his profession in the morning. At noon they should read fiction, stories and plays for pleasure. They should read motivational/ inspirational books, biographies and autobiographies in the evening or at night. He prescribed pills of reading three times a day for lifelong. He also suggested that reading can be done at any time of the day (five minutes or five hours) and any place. No excuses for the lack of time to read.
He threw light on the area of development of reading competency. Most of the students are afraid of reading . Having less interest and remaining absent also leads to incompetency of reading. To develop the competency teachers should work on it. Pronunciation, intonation, stress and tone play a great role in reading factor. Comprehension, correctness and speed are the indicators of competency. He suggested to identify the weak and struggling readers in the class. The ways are day to day classroom reading, reading competition, reading test, reading games and calculating the reading place The process of developing the competency are alphabetic method, phonic method(pin, win, bin)word method single unit, phrase method (a group of words) , sentence method and story method.
He suggested simple Reading Techniques :
- Read in chunks, group of words.
- Keep appropriate distance, not too close, not too far
- Focus/Concentration is must.
- Read unimportant quickly and important part minutely /carefully.
- Try to connect read part to visuals.
- Read the intro, preface, last page to get the overview.
- For better comprehension ask questions what, why, when. how to yourself.
- One should understand that different genres different speed (Novels can be read speedily while technical books slowly.)
He elaborated classroom practices about reading competency.
Pre-reading : Give home work to read text in proper way, give samples, provide any other text related to the lesson.
While Reading : Read with proper pronunciation , stress, intonation and tone. Provide meaning of words.Bring contextual and hidden meaning to their notice . Train how to read between the lines.
Post-reading : Make students read after the teacher. Make them read properly.Let them read for comprehension creating interest.
Saturday, 9 May 2020
ELLE's Webinar : Listening Competency
When the whole world is locked down and are under the grip of pandemic of Covid-19, work from home has become the routine of everyone. Schools and colleges also are closed so teachers’ known work of teaching is stopped. The most vigorous task of studying, updating and preparing for the next session (which is not considered as work by society) can never stop. ELLE Mumbai has taken initiative to organize a webinar for updating teacher fraternity of entire Maharashtra to meet the challenges of newly introduced course book of Std XII.
ELLE (English Language & Literature Explorers) Mumbai organised a webinar. The second session of the webinar was conducted on competencies of Listening Skill on 6th May 2020 at 4 p.m. The session was hosted by the tech-savy pioneer of English language training Mr Nadeem Khan . Mr. Pravin Muley a noted resource person introduced the speaker Mr. Avinash Rade from Palghar. The session was organised on Zoom Cloud Meeting. Almost 75 Jr. College teachers were the direct participants by joining Zoom. Many teachers have enjoyed the live session on FB.
Mr Avinash Rade who is one of the creators
presentation explaining listening as an ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in communication process. It is a receptive basic skill of language. He threw light on objectives for developing listening competencies. He stated the types of listening skills as informational, critical and therapeutic. Later he pointed out areas for developing listening skill and competency . Prose, poetry, novel extracts, icebreaking, brainstorming instructions, projects and exercises are the areas in the course book for developing listening skills. When teacher reads, explains, asks and instructs in English, students listen. Other areas which can be used for developing listening skills of students are oral test, audio clip, note taking exercise.
Mr Avinash Rade allowed his lecture to smoothly flow to the process of developing listening skill. He categorised the process in 4 levels as basic, intermediate, advanced and expert. Under basic he suggested to set activities, make students listen, allow speaker to speak and consider other’s points. At the intermediate level students are expected to (enable them) to listen carefully, pay attention to speaker, be patient to listen to people and consider opinion even when disagree. In an advanced level listeners are polite and patients during conversation. They are competent to digest before responding and keep eye contact with speaker. They refrain from interruption and allow speaker to make his point. Expert listeners practice attentive and active listening. They can paraphrase message for entire understanding and gets gist of the message. They can restate others opinion even when they disagree. The process of developing listening competency goes smoothly following the tricks of mouth closed , eye contact, no fidgeting, paraphrase, patient listening till the end, listening for content, non-verbal signals, unbiased listening.
He focussed on the
teacher’s role in developing listening competency. According to him teacher
should be a good speaker and innovative to avail the students opportunities of
listening. He should be ideal for pronunciation and body language. He advised
to be a friend and facilitator for the students to make them listen. Teachers
need to tech-savvy as students are. Teachers can use technology for developing
listening competency.
In the development of
listening competency students play a vital role. Students should participate
actively in the process of learning. They should be patient, self-learner and
tech-savvy. They should try to remember, understand, clarify and respond to the
He pointed out classroom
learning activities for developing listening competency. He suggested some of
the activities such as use of audio-video device, assigning listening task,
listen and follow, session for talk less ,listen more, finding key words ,
predicting speakers purpose. He clarifies testing and evaluating of listening
The webinar was outstanding
experience towards updating and upgrading teachers at far remote places. Avinash Rade enabled the participants to meet the challenges of newly introduced course book of Std XII. He
focused on different strategies applicable in classrooms. My dream of learning from the state level person came true with this webinar. The webinar has given the opportunity to teacher like me to upgrade well in advance. My effort of writing the detailed report on the session is to cement the information, knowledge and vision I got through the webinar.
focused on different strategies applicable in classrooms. My dream of learning from the state level person came true with this webinar. The webinar has given the opportunity to teacher like me to upgrade well in advance. My effort of writing the detailed report on the session is to cement the information, knowledge and vision I got through the webinar.
Post your views regarding the session in comment box.
The speakers in a series of webinar :
Mrs. Manjushree Sardeshpande
Dr.Dipak Damodare .
Dr. Pravin mulay
Mr. Avinash Rade
Mr.Nadeem Khan
Mr. Tushar J. Bagwe
Mrs.Sangeeta Bagade.
Mr.Anil Bagade
Mr.Nadeem Khan
Mr. Avinash Rade.
Mr. Sahebao Mahajan
To watch video
Click here
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Report on Webinar Conducted by ELLE
Role of Competencies in Language Teaching
ELLE (English Language & literature Explorers) organised a webinar on the topic Role of competencies in Language Teaching at 4 pm on 4 May 2020. The webinar was hosted tactfully by a well-known personality Mr. Nadeem Khan. Dr Manjushree Sardeshpande from Nagpur was the speaker of the webinar. The session was organised on Zoom Cloud Meeting. Almost 85 Jr. College teachers were the direct participants by joining zoom. Many teachers may have enjoyed the live session on FB and YouTube.
The webinar started sharply at 4 p.m. Dr. Manjushree Sardeshpande started her
session skilfully using screen share feature of the Zoom. She presented slides on the topic one by one and explained them in detail. The contents of presentation were – Statement of Competencies forfstd XII, 21st century learning skills, literacy skills, life skills in std XII course book, Language
session skilfully using screen share feature of the Zoom. She presented slides on the topic one by one and explained them in detail. The contents of presentation were – Statement of Competencies forfstd XII, 21st century learning skills, literacy skills, life skills in std XII course book, Language
skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and study skills.
In her presentation Dr. Manjushree Sardeshpande pointed out the competency level of students entering in Std 12. The syllabus is prepared taking into consideration the previous competencies of the students. We should understand the linguistic level of the students, the teaching goals and objectives of Std XII course book. As a teacher we should start reading the book from the preface. The students do not have surrounding of spoken English. Teacher should create such a surrounding. The students need to understand the 21st century challenges and learn strategies to accept them. Holistic developments of the students also are aimed at in the course book.She pointed out how the course book will help the students to inculcate 21st century skills like 4 c’s critical thinking, creativity,collaborationc and communication. In the course book there
are various places where students can acquire these skills with active involvement. She threw light on different literacy skills like information literacy, media literacy and technology literacy
(IMT) to be acquired by the students. Then she dealt with life skills like flexibility, leadership and initiative, productive and social skills (FLIPS). These skills should be inculcated. The teachers should help students by organising different activities regarding the course book.
Many activities are given in the course book. Our focus should be on learning rather than teaching. We should create the opportunities to make students learn. In real life we need to be flexible and productive. These qualities are developed in the early stage of life better. Through
the classics and masterpieces chosen for the study, along with these skills wit and humour,astuteness and ingenuity, etiquettes and manners, self-realization, love for nature and wild life, self-esteem etc. should be the aim of teaching learning process. The book connects students with local as well as global.Further she stated that since we are the language teacher our focus should be on basics skills of language. We should make skilful use of audio video aids available on media. As far as listening is concerned, we should remember that the more we listen, the more we learn to speak.
We should ensure that students learn to read and write also. Provide them different
opportunities to read and write. Students should be allowed to struggle with the text and arrive at the answers. Learning to learn is important. Learning for exams only is not enough.
Complexity of writing skills is increased in std XII. To keep pace with the time new skills like SoP, Mind Mapping, Virtual messages are added. She did not forget to tell to develop study habits among the students.
She sorted out the queries raised in the webinar. The queries were regarding urban and rural students, arts and science students. One of the query was about absenteeism of the science students in language classes.
The webinar turned to be a magic wand for me. It was a great experience to learn from the chairperson of English Language Committee Dr. Manjushree Sardeshpande. The webinar led me to the new realm of learning. It gives the clear idea about how to deal with the new course.
Click here to watch video
Click here to watch video
Saturday, 2 May 2020
1.2 On Saying "Please"
A. List the words of courtesy that we use in our daily life. Discuss them withyour partner and explain the purpose of using each
B. Listed below are a few character traits of people. Some are positive traits,while others are not. Tick ✓ the ones you feel are desirable. ( Meanings of the words are provided. Students can tick now desirable traits.)
Conniving - conspiring
Insensitive - pretending ignorance
Sly- wise in practical affairs
Humorous -
Naive - deficient in worldly wisdom
Benevolent - disposed to doing good
Aggressive -
Manipulative - influence others in an artful way/ unfair way
Humble - not proud
Servile - slave like
Territorial- organised for home defence
Patronising - treating good
Generous - liberal
Characteristic traits | Characteristic traits | Characteristic traits | Characteristic traits |
Conniving | Insensitive | Sly | Humorous |
Naive | Benevolent | Aggressive | Scheming |
Wise | Egoistic | Manipulative | Rude |
Boastful | Humble | Servile | Territorial |
Patronising | Generous |
C. Etiquette and manners are very important for a person to live in the society.
Read the following and put them in proper columns.
1. To receive phone calls while you are in a lecture or class.
2. To knock before you enter your Principal’s office.
3. To thank the person who offers you tea or coffee.
4. To be polite and courteous to others.
5. To leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission.
6. To occupy the seats reserved for ladies or physically challenged or elderly
people on a bus or a train.
Appropriate. | Inappropriate. |
1. To knock before you enter your Principal’s office. 2. To thank the person who offers you tea or coffee. 3. To be polite and courteous to others. | 1. To receive phone calls while you are in a lecture or class. 2. To leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission. 3. To occupy the seats reserved for ladies or physically challenged or elderly people on a bus or a train. |
Question Bank Solution
(A1) (i) Form groups and explain the following words with examples. You can take help of your teacher.
• Humility - freedom from pride
• Self-esteem - a confidence in oneself
• Gratitude - thankfulness
• Courtesy - respect
• Generosity - big heartedness
• Sympathy - compassion, pity
• Empathy - experiencing the feelings of others
(ii) Have a Group Discussion on the topic ‘The need of soft skills at work
place’. Use the following points.
(a) Written and verbal communication
(b) Ways of interacting with others
(c) Creative abilities
(d) Emotional intelligence
(A2) (i) Read the text and state whether the following statements are True or False.
Correct the False statements.
(a) Bitter problems in day-to-day life can be solved by sweet words. True
(b) Great wars could have been avoided by a little courtesy. True
(c) Observance of etiquette in a normal situation is important but more
important is their observance when the situation is adverse. True
(d) Words like 'please' and 'thank you' help us in making our passage through
life uneasy. False
(e) The law permits anybody to use violence, if another person is discourteous. False
(ii) Select the most appropriate sentences which suggest the theme of the essay.
(a) The essay tells us about courtesy, civility, morality, responsibility and
(b) The essay explores the difficulties that can be incurred by an individual
when dealing with the public.
(c) One can keep one’s peace of mind without having to lower themselves to
the level of the perceived offender.
(d) People with low self-esteem are generally difficult to work with and they
look down upon others to get a feeling of superiority.
(iii) (a) Find the reasons for the lift-man's uncivilized behaviour.
Ans : A passenger refused to say 'Top-please' to the liftman. The refusal hurt him acutely and damage his social standing.
Ans : A passenger refused to say 'Top-please' to the liftman. The refusal hurt him acutely and damage his social standing.
(b) List the people and their behaviour that made the passenger rude and ill-mannered.
(iv) Good manners are required in our daily life for making our social contacts
more cooperative and friendly. Illustrate the behaviour of the polite
conductor with different people in various situations.
Situation | Behaviour |
1. The writer’s sensitive toe was
trampled on
| The conductor said sorry with an
apology and courtesy.
2. In the rainy season dealing with people
| He would give the tips that there is room in the bus. |
4. Dealing with children | as solicitous as father |
5. Dealing with young people | as considerate as son |
6. Dealing with a blind man | He took him across the road and see safe landing. |
(v) Discuss and write the impact of good temper and kindliness on the society
in the light of the good-mannered conductor.
Ans : The narrator pointed out that there was always fine weather on the polite conductor's bus , and his civility, friendly feelings and humorous nature spreaded among the passengers. Kindliness is rewarded with kindness.
Ans : The narrator pointed out that there was always fine weather on the polite conductor's bus , and his civility, friendly feelings and humorous nature spreaded among the passengers. Kindliness is rewarded with kindness.
(vi) 'A modest calling can be made dignified by good temper and kindly feeling'.
Ans :
Ans :
Explain the statement with examples.
(vii) The service of the police is necessary for the implementation of law in our
society. Do you think you require this service for good social environment?
(A3) (i) • He committed the crime in broad daylight (not bright daylight or narrow
• I had a cup of strong tea (not rich tea).
• The fast train is coming (not quick train).
Such words or group of words which habitually occur together and thereby
convey meaning by association are called collocations. A collocation is a
combination of words in a language that often go together.
(a) Find out the words in column 'B' which collocate with the words in column 'A'.
Column A.
Column B.
mid day
Ans: regular exercise,mid day meal, key concept, fast food, try hard, richly decorated, free time, traffic jam, social justice,wild animal
(b) Learning collocations is essential for making your English sound fluent and
natural. Make collocations and use in your own sentences.
(ii) Sometimes while using a word in a sentence, we have to change its word
class. We can make several more words from the root word.
We can make several new words from the root word.
I asked Sumit to my pencil for me. (sharp)
I asked Sumit to sharpen my pencil for me.Now read the following sentences and use the words given in the brackets.
Change the word class and rewrite the sentences.
(a) Leena was eating a very crunchy 🍎apple and enjoying it. (crunch)
(b) This picture looks colourful . (colour)
(c) I’m afraid that your behaviour is just not acceptable. (accept)
(d) I like my elder brother. He is very helpful . (help)
Complete the following table. Put a cross if a word class does not exist.
Sr.No. | Noun | Verb. | Adjective. | Adverb |
1 | absence | absent | ||
2 | alarm | alarm | alarming | alarmingly |
3 | attraction | attract | attractive | attractively. |
4 | ability | enable | able | |
5 | admiration | admire | admiring | admiringly |
6 | agreement | agree | agreeable | agreeably |
7 | application | apply | applicable | |
8 | avoidance | avoid | avoidable. | avoidably. |
9 | difference | differ | different | differently |
(iii) Register often refers to the degree of formality of language, but in a more
general sense it means the language used by a group of people who share
similar work or interest, such as doctors or lawyers.
Imagine that your Principal or teacher is coming. When you meet him, you
would never say,
'Hey, dude ! What's up?'
This is a formal situation, so you would say 'Good morning, Sir'.
In every situation, you use an appropriate expression according to the person.
The language you use, when you meet someone depends on their age, position
etc. There are formal and informal registers in spoken and written language.
Write appropriate expressions and words which you have to use while facing an interview
You are writing a letter of complaint. List the proper expressions that you
would like to write.
(a) I disagree.
(iv) Distinguish between a legal offence and a moral offence on the basis of
the given text.
Legal offence Moral offence
Burglary Rude behaviour
Legal offence. | Moral offence. |
Burglary | Rude behaviour |
Assault and battery | Wound to self respect |
To box people's ears | Hurt feelings and emotions |
Kick on the shins | Moral and intellectual damage |
(v) Find out the meanings of the following phrases. Use them in your own
(a) give and take (b) a black eye
(c) lower than the angels (d) knock someone down
(vi) Find out the words with prefixes and suffixes from the text and write them down.
Prefix. | Suffix |
uncivil, uncouth, unfriendly, unpleasant. | requirement. investment |
discourtesy , disagreeable | compensation |
incivility, inexhaustible | comfortable |
Inconvenience | Infectious |
(vii) Complete the table with polite expressions that we must use in our day to-day life.
Don'ts. | Dos. |
I want a cup of tea | I would like to have a cup of tea. |
Your work isn't good | I am afraid your work isn't good. 🙂 |
Send me the mail. | Send me the mail please. |
Go away or leave me alone. | Please go away. Could you leave me alone? |
You are wrong. | I am afraid you are wrong. |
That's a bad idea. | Thanks for the idea but it's bad. |
(A4) (i) Edit the given paragraph using a/an/the wherever necessary.
Rakesh is
professionally to become a/
takes care to spend time with his father, bringing him tea in
and taking him out for a/
(ii) Spot the errors in each of the following sentences and correct the incorrect ones.
(a) Radha brought pens and distributed them
(b) Jayshree and Sujata sat
(c) His best friend Vijay was blind
(d) One could dare to encroach on
(e) She was taken
(f) It is not possible to
(g) Dr. Sengupta
(h) The top-ranking candidates will be appointed
(i) She knows very well what is expected from her
(j) They will put
(iii) Read the following sentence.
Santosh purchased a computer. He read the operating manual and followed the
(a) He linked the monitor, keyboard and printer.
(b) He plugged in the main cable .
(c) He switched on the monitor at the back.
(d) When the light appeared on the screen, he placed the Day Disk in Drive A.
(e) He pushed in the disk until the button clicked out.
(It took about 30 seconds for the computer to load the programme.)
(f) He pressed the Drive button and the disk shot out .
(g) He replaced the Day Disk with the Document Disk.
(h) He pressed function key 7
Convert these sentences into passive voice by filling in the blanks.
The first sentence has been done as an example. (Answers are given in the brackets.)
Firstly the monitor, keyboard and printer were linked up. Then the ---- (main cable)
---- was ---- -----(plugged in). The monitor ---- (was switched) at the back. When the light appeared on the screen, ---- ---- ---- ----- Day Disk was placed in Drive A. The disk ---- --- --- (was pressed )until -----
--- ---- ---(the button clicked out). It took the computer 30 seconds to load the programme. The drive button ---- ---- ---- was pressed and the disk shot out. The --- ---- --- --- (Day Disk was replaced) with Document Disk. Finally, the function key 7......................( was pressed)
The word processor was then ready to use.
(A5) (i) Write a speech on 'Courtesy is the light of life' with the help of the following points.
(a) People have a good impression of you.
(b) You will be acknowledged and appreciated by all.
(c) You will be happier and contented with life.
Click here to read speech
(ii) ‘Manners maketh man’ – Expand the idea in your own words with proper
(A7) (i) Soft skills are required in all walks of life including careers and industries.
They are increasingly becoming the essential skills of today's work force.
Soft skills are an integral part of finding, attracting and retaining clients
also. Highly developed presentation skills, networking abilities, and etiquette
awareness can help you win new clients and gain more work.
Vocabulary Test Click on test to take the test. You will learn the meaning of the words while taking the test. Quick result for individual word. Choose the next option if you get wrong . Do it until you get the right option
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