
Sunday, 20 September 2020

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow

See the power point presentation to understand the meaning of the poem. Q.3 (A) Read the given extract and complete the activities given below: (10)

Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through;
Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along?
Or a churlish sort of "Howdy" and then vanish in the throng?
Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way,
Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?
Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that's slipping fast,
That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed?
Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said;
Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead?
Did you waste the day, or lose it, was it well or sorely spent?
Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent?
As you close your eyes in slumber do you think that God would say,
You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?
A1 Complete the following web. (02)



A2 You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today? Explain the meaning of these lines. (02)

Ans : With the benevolent work we can secure our life for the coming days. If we make people happy, we will be happy tomorrow. Our present bahavior decides our future.
A3 How does your ‘good deeds’ help others to rejoice? (02)
Ans : Our good deeds help others rejoice. Our heartfelt smile and empathy bring joy in people's lives. We should help whosoever passes by us.
A4 Identify & write the lines from the poem which express the following figure of speech and explain it. (02)
1. Alliteration
2. Interrogation
3. Synychdoche 
Ans : Alliteration - 'toiling time' - The consonantal sound 't' is repeated pleasingly.
2. Interrogation : Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent? - Interrogative line is used with force effectively.
3. Synychdoche: Is a single heart rejoicing over : The part 'heart' is used to indicate whole 'person' 

A5 With the help of following words compose four lines. (02)
 ……… Share
 ………. Give
 ………..Care
 …………live

Ans : Happiness with others do you share ?
           Smile and greetings do you give ?
           Of public property do you take care ?
         For the well being of people do you live ?

Activity 2 

A1. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Somebody should be happier because you passed his way.
b. Someone should remember you for speaking to him.
c. There should be none to utter a kind word of you.
d. You should give cheerful greetings to the friend.

A2. "Is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?" Explain the meaning.

A3. Write your ideas about tomorrow's goal.

A4. 'toiling time' . Name the figures of speech. Find one more example of the same.

A5. Compose a short poem by using words ' today, tomorrow and yesterday'.

Write a poetic appreciation of the poem 2.4 ‘Have You Earned Your Tomorrow’ with the help of the following points.

· About the poem / poet and the title
· The theme
· Poetic Style
· Language /Poetic devices
· Special features
· Message, values, morals in the poem
· Your opinions about the poem

B Poetic Appreciation

Edgar Guest is known as ‘people’s poet’ for his simple style and optimistic tone of writing. The poem ‘Have You Earned Your Tomorrow’ is an inspirational poem.
          The poet is concerned about the readers. He asks them if they have done anything to improve the life of the other people. We are responsible for our good days and bad days.
          The poem is divided into four stanzas of quatrains. The first line rhymes with the second line and the third with the fourth in each stanza. He has used the consistent rhyme scheme throughout the poem.  The first two lines of the first stanza are rhymed with last two lines of the second and the fourth stanzas. The poet raised questions in the poem. There are eleven questions in the poem. It shows the unique style of the poem. Alliteration and interrogation are the poetic devices in the poem.
The poem has the underlying message that it is up to us whether we will have a better future or not. Therefore, we should consider our actions and deeds carefully and plan accordingly for a better future.

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