
Tuesday 5 May 2020

Report on Webinar Conducted by ELLE

Role of Competencies in Language Teaching

ELLE (English Language & literature Explorers) organised a webinar on the topic Role of competencies in Language Teaching at 4 pm on 4 May 2020. The webinar was hosted tactfully by a well-known personality Mr. Nadeem Khan. Dr Manjushree Sardeshpande from Nagpur was the speaker of the webinar. The session was organised on Zoom Cloud Meeting. Almost 85 Jr. College teachers were the direct participants by joining zoom. Many teachers may have enjoyed the live session on FB and YouTube. 
The webinar started sharply at 4 p.m. Dr. Manjushree Sardeshpande started her
session skilfully using screen share feature of the Zoom. She presented slides on the topic one by one and explained them in detail. The contents of presentation were – Statement of Competencies forfstd XII, 21st century learning skills, literacy skills, life skills in std XII course book, Language
skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and study skills.
In her presentation Dr. Manjushree Sardeshpande pointed out the competency level of students entering in Std 12. The syllabus is prepared taking into consideration the previous competencies of the students. We should understand the linguistic level of the students, the teaching goals and objectives of Std XII course book. As a teacher we should start reading the book from the preface. The students do not have surrounding of spoken English. Teacher should create such a surrounding. The students need to understand the 21st century challenges and learn strategies to accept them. Holistic developments of the students also are aimed at in the course book.She pointed out how the course book will help the students to inculcate 21st century skills like 4 c’s critical thinking, creativity,collaborationc and communication. In the course book there
are various places where students can acquire these skills with active involvement. She threw light on different literacy skills like information literacy, media literacy and technology literacy
(IMT) to be acquired by the students. Then she dealt with life skills like flexibility, leadership and initiative, productive and social skills (FLIPS). These skills should be inculcated. The teachers should help students by organising different activities regarding the course book.
Many activities are given in the course book. Our focus should be on learning rather than  teaching. We should create the opportunities to make students learn. In real life we need to be flexible and productive. These qualities are developed in the early stage of life better. Through
the classics and masterpieces chosen for the study, along with these skills wit and humour,astuteness and ingenuity, etiquettes and manners, self-realization, love for nature and wild life, self-esteem etc. should be the aim of teaching learning process. The book connects students with local as well as global.Further she stated that since we are the language teacher our focus should be on basics skills of language. We should make skilful use of audio video aids available on media. As far as listening is concerned, we should remember that the more we listen, the more we learn to speak.
We should ensure that students learn to read and write also. Provide them different
opportunities to read and write. Students should be allowed to struggle with the text and arrive at the answers. Learning to learn is important. Learning for exams only is not enough.
Complexity of writing skills is increased in std XII. To keep pace with the time new skills like SoP, Mind Mapping, Virtual messages are added. She did not forget to tell to develop study habits among the students.

She sorted out the queries raised in the webinar. The queries were regarding urban and rural students, arts and science students. One of the query was about absenteeism of the science students in language classes.
The webinar turned to be a magic wand for me. It was a great experience to learn from the chairperson of English Language Committee Dr. Manjushree Sardeshpande. The webinar led me to the new realm of learning. It gives the clear idea about how to deal with the new course.

Click here to watch video


  1. Thanks for summing up the webinar. We become able to learn indirectly from the chairperson through your words. Thanks again.

  2. Outstanding piece of writing.

  3. It is really helpful for us who missed webinar

  4. Thanks sir for upgrading..its really helpful for us to understand who have missed the webinar


Thank you.