
Monday 25 February 2019

Rewrite as instructed - Feb. 2019

Rewrite the following sentences as instructed.

i) The paddy is ripe enough to harvest. (Remove ‘enough’ and rewrite the sentence.)
Ans. The paddy is so ripe that it can be harvested.
Or The paddy is so ripe that farmers(one) should (can) harvest it.

(ii) How beautiful the sight was! (Rewrite as an assertive sentence. )
Ans. The sight was very beautiful.

(iii) When earthquake strikes, world trembles.
(Insert appropriate articles wherever necessary and rewrite it.)
Ans: When an earthquake strikes, the world trembles.

(iv) I spent my holiday _______ some friends ________ a wooden house.
(Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.)
Ans: I spent my holiday with some friends in a wooden house.

(v) Radha said to the teacher, “I feel very happy to help my mother at home.”
Ans: Radha told the teacher that she felt very happy to help her mother at home.

(vi) India and Maharashtra can progress only when there is oneness of interest.
(Rewrite it using ‘unless’)
Ans. Unless there is oneness of interest, India and Maharashtra cannot progress.
India and Maharashtra cannot progress, unless there is oneness of interest .

(vii) This state of Maharashtra will work for the betterment of the common people of Maharashtra. (Rewrite it using modal auxiliary showing ‘obligation’)
Ans. This state of Maharashtra must work for the betterment of the common people of Maharashtra.

(viii) They have only one pair of wings. (Make it negative without changing the meaning)
Ans. They do not have more than one pair of wings.

(ix) Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators. (Replace infinitive with gerund and rewrite. )
Ans. Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise for escaping from the clutches of their predators.

(x) He had won his laurels in athletic events and the silver medal in a running race.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only...but also’.)
Ans. He had won not only his laurels in athletic events but also a silver medal in running race.

(xi) When I saw the prizes, I was stupefied.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘No sooner.... than’.)
Ans. No sooner did I see the prizes than I was stupefied.

(xii) He had learnt enough Greek and Latin to read the classics in the original.
(Rewrite using ‘as well as’.)
Ans. He had learnt enough Greek as well as Latin to read the classics in the original.

(xiii) Doting parents often stunt the natural growth of their children through excessive adulation.
(Rewrite the sentence changing it into passive voice.)
Ans. The natural growth of their children is often stunted through excessive adulation by the doting parents.

(xiv) Seeing the hungry market, Dell placed local advertisement.
(Make it a compound sentence)
Ans. Dell saw the hungry market and placed local advertisement.

(xv) He added features to improve performance.
(Frame ‘Wh’ question to get the underlined part as an answer.)
Ans. Why did he add features?

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