
Saturday 2 February 2019

English Activity Sheet : Std 12

Gadchandur Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s
Sub : English
Time : 3 Hours        STD 12.           Marks : 80                                                             
(Reading Skill, Vocabulary, Grammar, Note-making and Summary)
ACTIVITY 1. (A) Read the activity read the extract and do all the activities: [12]
A1. Arrange the following statements in order as they occurred in the extract. (2)
1. They spotted the weekly market from the terrace.
2. He turned to Chandan and asked him to summon people tomorrow.
3. King Amrit and Chandan were walking on the terrace of the palace.
4. He was delighted to see the prosperity of his kingdom.

Ans : 3,1,4,2
One day, King Amrit and Chandan were taking a walk on the terrace of the palace. The terrace offered beautiful view of the surroundings, and they could see far into the distance. They spotted the weekly market from up there, with people in colourful clothes buying and selling all kinds of things. There was plenty to buy and people had money to buy too. There were no poor people to be seen anywhere. The King watched with a smile on his face. He was delighted to see the prosperity of his kingdom. Like any good ruler he was happy when his people were happy. He turned to Chandan and said, “See how contented my people are. But I want to check this first-hand by talking to them. Tomorrow, summon people from all walks of life to the court, and I will ask them myself how they are doing.’’ Chandan was used to the King's strange requests and went off to carry out this order. The next day, the King arrived in the court humming a happy tune to himself. Seeing all the people gathered there waiting for him, he was even more pleased. He cleared his throat and said in a loud voice, “I have called you here to ask you a very important question. As your king, I need to know if all of you are contented. Do you have enough for your needs? Do you know anyone who is not happy about anything?’’
A2. Choose the statements that describe the king. (2)
1. The king was a good ruler.
2. The king was not happy with his kingdom.
3. The king used to make strange requests.
4. The king was not happy with the happiness.

Ans :1,3
A3. Give reason : The King wanted to talk to his people because…………….. (2)
Ans: The King wanted to talk to his people because he wanted to check  first-hand whether his people are really happy and contented. 
A4. Find out the words from the extract which mean : (2)
(i) development (ii)satisfied (iii) examine (iv) call
Ans : i) prosperity ii) contented iii) check iv) summon 
A5. Suggest the plans Governments should implement for the betterment of the poor. (2)
A6. Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :
(i) He was delighted to see the prosperity of his kingdom. (1)
(Choose a rhetorical question form of it.)
a. Was he delighted to see the prosperity of his kingdom?
b. Was’nt he delighted to see the prosperity of his kingdom?
c. Wasn’t he delighted to see the prosperity of his kingdom?
d. Why was he delighted to see the prosperity of his kingdom?
(ii) Summon people from all walks of life to the court. (Rewrite it beginning with ‘Let.....’)(1)
Ans: Let the people from all walks of life be summoned to the court. 
 (B) Grammar: Do as directed.                                                                              [3]
(i) J.R.D. Tata was .................... amazing personality. He always helped ......... poor in the country. (Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.)     (1)        an, the                   
(ii) They stood ................ silence as a mark ........................ honour to her.
(Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.)
   (1) in, of                                           
(iii) “Where are you going?’’ he asked (Change it into Indirect speech.)         (1)
He asked where he/she was/ they were going.

ACTIVITY 2. (A) Read the activity read the extract and do all the activities: [12]
A1. Complete the web chart.  (2)                                     

Ans: Republic Day, Independence Day, Mother's Day, Earth Day

We commemorate so many special days such as Republic Day, Independence Day, Mother's Day and so on. Well, here is one day that deserves not only a commemoration, but our total dedication : Earth Day, 22 April. At Sanctuary, we live our lives like everyday is Earth Day, but we all believe that it would be fantastic to remind our relatives, friends, neighbours, teachers and elders on this day that protecting Mother Earth can end up making us both happy and safe. Will you do something this Earth Day ? Here's a handy list of things you can do : (1) Cut Consumption : Consume as little as possible on Earth Day. This is a day when you can Refuse (to buy new things), Repair and Reuse (old stuff), Recycle (what you cannot reuse), Reject (stuff that is toxic or dangerous to the environment) and Renew (your purpose and resolve to protect the planet). (2) Cut Energy : (a) Ditch the old incandescent bulbs and shift to CFLs or LEDs (Google both to find out more). (b) Walk or use public transport, try not to use private cars to save fuel. Carpool. Cut down on trips. Use Skype instead of travelling for meetings. (c) Switch off unnecessary gadgets (don't just use the remote....... walk to the mains!) (3) Cut Waste : Start a waste segregation system in your building, school or neighbourhood. Compost organic waste, sell what you can to the raddi-wallah and give him a small token of appreciation also for he is protecting your world. Collect unused papers from old notebooks and make new ones from them. (4) Cut out plastic : Speak to at least five shopkeepers in your areas and tell them you and your friends will only use their shops if they move away from wasteful plastic packaging, particularly thin plastic bags.

A2. Complete a list of the things that can be done on the Earth Day. (2)
a. Cut Consumption
b. ---------------
c. -------------
d. -----------
e. --------------

Ans:a. Cut Consumption
b. Refuse to buy new things 
c. Repair and reuse old stuff
d. Recycle what you can not reuse
e. Reject toxic waste 

A3. Write the steps we can take to keep our environment clean. (2)
A4. Find antonyms from the extract of the following words. (2)
a. few b. forget c. accept d. private

Ans: a. many b. remind c. reject d. public 
A5. Write your opinion regarding shifting to CFLs or LEDs. (2)
A6. Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed:
(i) Earth Day deserves a commemoration and our total dedication. (Use ‘not only—but also‘.) (1)
Earth Day deserves not only a commemoration but also our total dedication. 
(ii) Start a Waste Segregation System in your building.
(Choose the correct option which has similar meaning.) (1)

a. You started a Waste Segregation System in your building.
b. You should start a Waste Segregation System in your building.
c. You will start a Waste Segregation System in your building.
d. You may start a Waste Segregation System in your building.
(B) Note-making : [3]
Read the following extract and complete the note with the help of the clues provided :
Vitamins are either fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) or water-soluble (B) vitamins, including niacin, folic acid and riboflavin, and vitamin (C). They consist mainly of the elements nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in body fat, while water-soluble vitamins are used or quickly excreted in the urine. Vitamins A is essential for the eyes, skin, hair and bones, the B vitamins help enzymes to function : C is essential for the formation of collagen : D helps the body absorb calcium; E prevents cell damage and K helps blood clotting. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body and so must be obtained directly from food.

Vitamins are obtained from

B Vitamins Fat-soluble

Vitamins consist of
2. Oxygen
4. Hydrogen
Vitamin A
K Essential for eyes, skin etc.
Formation of collagen
Prevents cell damage

ACTIVITY 3. (A) Read the activity read the extract and do all the activities: [12]
A1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements. (2)
1. We depend on oil as source of energy. True
2. Oil is used as fuel. True
3. The world today needs only mineral oil. True
4. Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thin brown or blue liquid with a strong smell. False 

 Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thick brown or black liquid with a strong smell
Oil is one of the world's major sources of energy. We depend on it as fuel for heating, transport and generation of power. For centuries, animal and vegetable oils have been used for cooking and as a source of artificial light. But it is mineral oil which meets most of the world's needs today. Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thick brown or black liquid with a strong smell. It is a complex mixture of many different substances, each with its own individual qualities. Most of them are combinations of hydrogen and carbon in varying proportions. Such hydro-carbons are also found in other forms such as bitumen, asphalt and natural gas. Mineral oil originates from the carcasses of tiny animals and from plants that live in the sea. Over millions of years these dead creatures form large deposits under the sea bed and ocean currents cover them with a blanket of sand and silt. As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary rock and effectively shuts out the oxygen so preventing the complete decomposition of the marine deposits underneath. The layers of sedimentary rock become thicker and heavier. Their pressure produces heat, which transforms the tiny carcasses into crude oil in a process that is still going on today. The earth's crust is split into a few huge continental plates which move continuously rather like rafts on a sluggish tide. Geologists call this movement as ‘continental drift’.

A2. Complete the flow chart about formation of crude oil.(2)

A3. Describe the process of ‘Continental drift’ formation. (2)
The earth's crust is split into a few huge continental plates which move continuously rather like rafts on a sluggish tide. Geologists call this movement as ‘continental drift’.
A4. Give the homophones of : 1. One 2. Heating 3. Light 4. Sea (2)
1. Won 2. Hitting 3. Lite 4. See
A5. Give your friend an advice to save energy. (2)
A6. Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :
(i) Oil is one of the world's major sources of energy.
(Choose the negative sentence for it). ( 1)

a. Oil is not the world’s only major source of energy.
b. No other source of energy is as major as oil.
c. Oil is not one of the World’s major sources of energy.
d. Very few world’s sources of energy are as major as oil.
(ii) As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary rock. (Make it a compound sentence.) (1)
B. Write a brief summary of the above extract with the help of the points given below and suggest a suitable title. [4]
Oil as a source of energy—our dependence—types of oil—mineral oil—origin of crude oil—formation of crude oil—forming of sedimentary rocks—continental drift.
SECTION - B (Poetry)
ACTIVITY 4. Read the following extract and do the activities given below: (8)
How do you know
Peace is a woman ?
I know, for I met her yesterday
on my winding way
to the world's fare.
She had such a wonderful face
Just like a golden flower faded
before her prime.
I asked her why
She was so sad?
She told me her baby
was killed in Auschwitz,
her daughter in Hiroshima
and her sons in Vietnam,
Ireland, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon,
Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo and Chechnya….
A1. Complete all the statements by using one word from the extract. (2)
1. ….. is called as woman.
2. The poet met …...on his way to the world’s fare.
3. ……. had a wonderful face.
4. The poet asked ….. why she was so sad.

A2. Name and explain the figures of speech in the following lines : (2)
 1.‘Peace is a woman.’ Metaphor : Peace is implicitly compared to woman.
2. ‘on my winding way’ Alliteration: The consonantal sound 'w' is repeated pleasingly  
A3. Pick out the lines that refer to the world war. (2)
her baby
was killed in Auschwitz,
her daughter in Hiroshima
and her sons in Vietnam,
Ireland, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon,
A4. Compose four poetic lines on ‘Peace’. (2)
SECTION – C (Rapid Reading and Composition)
ACTIVITY 5. (A) Read the following extract and do the activities. : [4]
"I hope you're preparing for your exams," she wrote back. “After all, there's not much we can do about a skeleton that's been hidden away for ten or fifteen years. Anyway, there were two newspapers in the cupboard. The Daily Chronicle, published from Delhi on January 18, 1930, is complete. That was four years before you were born. The main headline refers to the “Bareilly Train Disaster‘ in which thirteen passengers were killed and nineteen seriously injured. There are also two pages of book reviews, including a review of ‘The Glenlitten Murder’ by E. Phillips Oppenheim. I think you have read some of his books. Books on the Riviera. ‘‘The other book is about the spirit world, and the possibility of communicating with those who have passed from this material world. Perhaps we can summon up the spirit of the person who inhabited the skeleton ? She could tell us how she met her end. Old Miss Kellner holds seances and table-rappings. But how would she summon up a spirit if she doesn't know who it was in the first place ? “The second newspaper - incomplete - is the Civil and Military Gazette of March 2, 1930. This was published from Lahore, and as you know, Mr. Kipling worked on it a few years earlier. The front page is missing, but page 5 carries an ad for a film called ‘The Awakening of Love' starring Vilma Banky. Vilma was a popular heroine when I was a girl. Nothing much else of interest except for a small item under the headline ‘Elder Murder Sequel’ :
A1. Pick out the expression that creates suspense in the extract. (2)

A2. Write a gist of the extract. (2)

(B) Read the following extract and do the activities. [4]
I imagined how she must have suffered too, fear, a constant companion. And yet here we were both survivors, in a new world. “There was a camp next to the farm.’’ Roma continued, “ I saw a boy there and I would throw him apples everyday.’’ What an amazing coincidence that she had helped some other boy. “What did he look like ?’’ I asked. “He was tall, skinny and hungry. I must have seen him every day for six months.’’ My heart was racing. I couldn't believe it. This couldn't be. “Did he tell you one day not to come back because he was leaving Schlieben ?’’ Roma looked at me in amazement, “Yes !’’. “That was me!’’ I was ready to burst with joy and awe, flooded with emotions. I couldn't believe it! My angel. “I am not letting you go’’ I said to Roma. And in the back of the car on that blind date, I proposed to her. I didn't want to wait. “You’re crazy !’’ She said, But she invited me to meet her parents for Shabbat dinner the following week. There was so much I looked forward to learning about Roma, but the most important things I always knew : her steadfastness, her goodness. For many months in the worst of circumstances, she had come to the fence and given me hope. Now that I'd found her again, I could never let her go. That day, she said ’Yes’. And I kept my word. After nearly 50 years of marriage, two children and three grandchildren I have never let her go.
A1. Mention the qualities of Roma. (2)
A2 Convert the above extract into a dialogue between Herman and Roma in about 80 words : (2)
Section D (Written Communication)
ACITVITY 6. (A) Letter Writing
Write any ONE of the following letters: (4)
(1)Prepare a letter of application to the Principal of your college to get scholarship to study further.
(2) Your locality is facing the problem of irregular water supply. Write a letter to the concerned authority about it.
(B) Write on any ONE of the following items : (4)
(1) Read the following Intros of news items. Choose any ONE of them and write the headline, the date line and a short continuing paragraph for it.
(i) A shortage of onions in Maharashtra has surged prices by 30 per cent. It forced the authorities to import onions from abroad.
(ii) The birth anniversary of the late President Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was celebrated yesterday in Saraswati Kanya Pathshala as Teacher's Day.
(2) Your college is going to arrange a rally to raise funds to help drought affected farmers. Prepare a short leaflet as an appeal for people to join the rally with the help of the following points :
i) Use slogans.
ii) Make a persuasive appeal for generous donation.
iii) Time and place of the rally.
iv) Famous personality to lead the rally.
v) Add your own points.
(C) Write on any ONE of the following items: (4)
1) View – Counter –view
Prepare a paragraph to be used for the Counter –View Section on the following topic (about 120
“Importance of eating organic food as against junk food”

View Section
 Junk food is tasty.
 It is convenient.
 It is cheaper than organic food.
 It contains high calories.
2) The following tabular data from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) reports the rainfall in the country between June 1 and 27, 2012.
Read it carefully and convert it into a write up. (Source : TOI July 1 2012)

Activity 7. (A) Framing Interview Questions: 4
1. Imagine you are going to interview a well-known environmentalist. Prepare a list of 8-10 questions including some introductory questions, probing questions and concluding questions.
(B) Speech Writing: 3
Imagine that you are going to take part in an elocution contest to be arranged in you college. One of the topics there is “How can we lead people from the poverty-ridden world to the poverty-free world?” Prepare a speech on this topic.


Thank you.